Why Play On Download Casinos?

Expert Online Casino Reviewer and Player Advocate
Download casinos have dominated the online casino market as opposed to their no-download Flash-based counterparts. Years ago, internet speeds were so slow that most gamblers would prefer instant-play casinos to play their favourite casino games. However, with the introduction of even faster internet and download speeds, the download casino platform has become a crowd favourite.
What are Download Casinos?
Online casinos are a popular form of entertainment. If you’re new to the online gambling world, you can normally come across two terms: download and no download casinos. A download casino platform, as the name implies, prompts you to download the casino software to your personal computer in order to access your favourite casino games. After downloading, you will then have to install it on your hard disk. Within top download casinos, you can find instructions regarding the download and installation process, hence making the task really simple and straightforward.
If you want to download the casino software, you should make sure that your PC has the Windows operating system installed. Most online casinos will recommend downloading their software in order to enjoy a better quality gaming experience along with a wider variety of games. In some online casinos, this is the only way you can access their game selection, while there are also others that offer you both download and no download options.
Advantages of a Download Casino
All avid gamblers know just how time-consuming it is to enter their login details every time they access their preferred online casino. To save them from trouble, casino owners have given everyone the option of downloading their casino software. Of course, there’s still the option of instant play through a Flash-based alternative, but the reason why we recommend downloading software is because of the many advantages it offers, namely:
1. More Games and Gaming Options
If you think the range of games offered in the Flash version of your favourite online casino is staggering, wait till you try the download! Not only will you have access to all your favourite games, but you can also compete against real-life opponents from around the world or join in a range of tournaments, speed games, and competitions with such immense jackpots they'll make you drool!
2. Enhanced Graphics
Downloadable casino software often leads to higher-quality graphics and gameplay compared to their instant-play counterparts. The reason is that online casinos will have to decrease the overall quality of their Flash-based version in order to make it run better on the internet compared to running the software on your personal computer. Since your desktop computer or laptop contains plenty of memory, it can easily accommodate larger files in a casino’s software, hence making the graphics, gameplay, and even audio much sharper and more appealing. This also leads to a smoother, quicker, and more reliable gaming experience.
3. Personalisation & Customisable Options
Compared to a Flash-based instant play version, downloadable casino software comes with a wider range of settings and customization options to allow you to personalize your gameplay to suit your own preferences. Through a downloaded software, you can adjust your colour schemes, display your selection of favourite games, change your audio settings, and a whole lot more! Other than that, you can even enjoy enhanced functionality and even a user-friendly online chat, a list of your contacts, and a message history. While not really necessary for you, such features could actually make your gameplay even smoother.
You also have the option of managing your financial operations, such as keeping track of your deposits and withdrawals, payment statistics, and more. Through this, you can have an insight regarding your spending behaviour as you play your favourite casino games.
4. More Frequent Updates
Update frequency will often depend on your chosen online casino. While your software doesn’t have to be updated frequently, some of the free casino game downloads you have might receive updates on a regular basis. However, these updates will hardly be an inconvenience when playing at all. In fact, you won’t even notice them! As a major rule, most software manufacturers tend to release new games every month. With downloaded software, you can quickly and easily get access to these new releases compared to a no-download version. Each time you open your downloaded software, it will automatically start searching for updates and processes them in the background while you play.
5. Play without an Internet Connection
One of the main advantages of casino download software is the fact that you can still play even without the presence of an internet connection (the settings will adjust as soon as your internet is back up). And if your internet disconnects, you won't automatically lose your game. However, this is only applicable when playing free games offered in their selection. Based on statistics, a lot of avid gamblers tend to play free games offline. They either want to learn how to play their preferred games without spending real money, or they simply choose to take a break from placing real money bets.
Download or Instant Play?
With the arrival of mobile games for iPhone casinos, it’s even harder for a complete beginner to decide which platform to choose. If you’re just starting out, it would be wise to consider which platform you think would be more comfortable for you. Do you want to play your favourite games on the go? Then a mobile platform suits you best. Do you tend to play on someone else’s computer and don’t have the option of downloading casino software? Then instant play versions are the way to go. But if you want to enjoy the best graphics, audio, and gameplay, then you should consider the casino download version.
Don’t know which platform to choose?
Find out more about the different Download software programs available at our favourite online casinos!
Check out our top download casinos for players right here:
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